Wednesday, July 9, 2008

An Apparent Issue

Is it just me, or is USC's brain hungry thirst for high SAT scores and more elitist freshman classes, killing the party scene. USC in recent years has been famous for its raging and ridiculous parties, that could only be thought up and executed so well by famous ragers of the upper classmen of USC. However in recent semesters, it seems as if the school is trying to drive Greek life from the clutches of the students.
For instance, Beta will soon be returning to the row. However this will in n way be the beta of the past. In fact it seems as if no original members even wanted to be associated with this new organization.
The word around campus sounds like all new Beta members are required to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, sounds like a fraternity of nerds. Either way, USC has made its views clear that fraternities are not welcome. DPS has been shutting down parties earlier and earlier, cops have been reporting more citations and arrest for charges of minors in possession, minors under the influence, and even jaywalking.
What the fuck! If I'm walking back from the row at 3 or 4 in the morning, and I'm a male or female, the last thing I want to do is stand on the corner of Jefferson and Hoover waiting for the light to change. Haven't we all heard enough of the DPS reports, "female victim approached by 3 suspects who requested her purse. She complied and suspects ran of going down Hoover headed north.". Ok so the Cops are more focused on making sure we obey the pointless traffic laws on empty twilight streets, instead of protecting us from a neighborhood that at the moment.
Be prepare post every day reporting on the happenings of pre-rush on the row.

P.S. I'm looking forward to writing about how the Bean has changed. It seems they are full of life about there new found rivalry with Lambda Chi over their stealing of "Bean" from "The Caribbean". Either way many of the notable ragers of the senior class are no longer their to uphold the Bean's standard of shit show. We'll see how the newbies and the young veterans do with the decrepit apartment complex all to themselves.

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